Now you have a Java dynamic web project with Maven support.

The whole content of the pom.xml file would look like this: Create a Maven Web Project with Eclipse 1: Start Eclipse, click on File->New->Other 2: In the popped New wizard, scroll down and select Maven. This dependency is needed to write code that uses Servlet API, e.g.

It is the Project Object Model configuration file used by Maven.Now edit the pom.xml file to specify the dependency for Java Servlet API: You will the project’s icon is updated with “M” letter – indicating it is a Maven project: You also see the pom.xml file is generated in the project’s root directory. Then in the Create new POM dialog, enter essential information for a Maven project like Group Id, artifact Id, version, name and description: Note that the Packaging type is war by default because this is a Java web project which will be packaged into a WAR file to deploy.Then click Finish. Double click the project folder in the workspace and go to the.